PasCmplx Complex Mathematics Unit for Borland Pascal. PasCmplx was a response to the practical need for a quick and convenient unit for complex mathematics. Unit PasCmplx includes all regular routines for dealing with complex numbers as well as some service functions. Unit can be used for Borland Pascal 7.0 DOS, DPMX and Windows programs. All routines of Unit are written and optimized in assembly language using coprocessor's commands. They automatically determine the presence of 80387 (or higher) and use its fast instructions. Complex arguments are passed directly on stack (not through pointers) and complex results are returned in 80x87 stack -- this makes all calls very quick, much faster than calculation itself. This package also includes unit PasFFT, which implements the fast Fourier transform using PasCmplx routines. See PASCMPLX.PAS for the instructions and the list of functions, PASCMPLX.ASM for details of realization. Files in the package: PASCMPLX.PAS -- Pascal interface unit for PasCmplx with: -- the list of functions, variables and constants -- important instructions PASCMPLX.ASM -- Assembler implementation of PasCmplx routines. CMPLXTES.PAS -- Pascal program giving examples of using PasCmplx. PASFFT.PAS -- fast Fourier transform unit written using PasCmplx routines FFTTEST.PAS -- Pascal program with an example of using PASFFT.PAS FFTTEST.FFT -- sample data file for FFTTEST.PAS No expressed or implied warranty, no responsibility for errors or omissions (which you are very welcome to correct). Make complex mathematics easy! Alex Klimovitski [100255,432] 30.06.94